Smark Work over Hard Work!

It is often assumed that students should innately know how to study and make good grades not bearing in mind that certain skills and basic techniques are required to achieve this. Just like a chef require skills to develop recipes, plan menus, and create those sumptuous dishes, or a seamstress need to have a good eye for detail and be able to sew straight lines with a sewing machine so does a student, require skills to know how to study. With exams coming up in May, we highlighted the following tips to help students excel in their academics and study more effectively. Tip 1: Read every day where possible. Make studying like eating every day. Just like you need to maintain a healthy body by eating, so do you need to maintain healthy grades by studying. Run a study check-in by asking, ‘Have I eaten today’? If you have, then you must study too. Tip 2: Repeat to retain. Repetition eases the way for new learning to ‘sink in’. It increases m...