Smark Work over Hard Work!


It is often assumed that students should innately know how to study and make good grades not bearing in mind that certain skills and basic techniques are required to achieve this.

Just like a chef require skills to develop recipes, plan menus, and create those sumptuous dishes, or a seamstress need to have a good eye for detail and be able to sew straight lines with a sewing machine so does a student, require skills to know how to study.

With exams coming up in May, we highlighted the following tips to help students excel in their academics and study more effectively.

Tip 1: Read every day where possible.

Make studying like eating every day. Just like you need to maintain a healthy body by eating, so do you need to maintain healthy grades by studying. Run a study check-in by asking, ‘Have I eaten today’? If you have, then you must study too.


Tip 2: Repeat to retain.

Repetition eases the way for new learning to ‘sink in’. It increases mastery. You could share what you learnt at school with your friend – probably a study buddy, your sibling, or Parents. Remember, repetition is the law of deep and lasting impression.


Tip 3: Realize your best study time.

Know what time works best for you. It’s called your personal ‘body time’. This is the time when your body and mind are most alert. It could be in the morning or night. The quality of time spent studying is more important than the quantity/length of time.


Tip 4: Read with a Pen, Notebook & Highlighter

Research has shown that note taking, or the lack of taking notes, is not a constant or strong part of the study methods employed by many students. Note taking enhances memory power and improves comprehension.

Alsogood, clear and legible handwriting is essential for success. Well-written and grammatically correct answers receive higher grades than poorly written grammatically correct answers, even though the answers are the same.


Tip 5: Revise Past Test & Examination Papers.

Using past test and examination question papers to revise and study is a great way to improving your grades. This will enable you to enjoy the benefit of repeat questions which are likely to be set by the examination bodies over time.


Tip 6: Read test and exam instructions carefully.

While reviewing test/exam questions, always read instructions clearly. If the instruction reads: ‘Enumerate/Highlight’, that means that you should list or itemize your points; If it says: ‘Discuss’, then you are to give further details. If it says, ‘Show workings’ then you must show workings.


Tip 7: Record Desired Grades at the Beginning of each term.

Planning your study goals & grades by recording your desired 'grades' at the beginning of each term is a SUPER way to start the term. Paste it on your wall where you can see it every day. Anytime you look at your goal(s), you are training your brain to accept the effort needed to make the goal happen.


Tip 8: Remember to take short breaks, rest & ensure a healthy lifestyle.

75 percent of the brain is made up of water. This means that dehydration, even in small amounts, can have a negative effect on the brain functions. Also, lack of sleep may shrink the brain. Therefore, eating well, drinking well, exercising well and sleeping well are non-negotiables. Short but frequent breaks would help to keep your brain and mind clear and alert. Working too long on a task decreases performance.


Tip 9: Realize your learning style using assessment tests.

V.A.R.K learning styles include:

o   Visual - Visual learners learn by seeing/visualizing.

o   Auditory - Auditory learners learn by listening.

o   Read & Write – Read & Write learners learn by reading and writing.

o   Kinesthetics - Tactile/Kinesthetic learners learn by doing.


Tip 10: Refuse to give up on your dreams.

“When you study, remember not to give up. Exams are the jungle, and by studying, you make yourself the lion. You will enter the class and look at everyone arrogantly, feeling like the king. You will win this battle and tear everyone apart” …

You cannot afford to give up on your dreams because of the terrible feeling of regret. Success is often around the corner and success is indeed a choice. Allow the words of Winston Churchill carry you through even when things get tough, “Never Never Never give up!”


There is a thin line between ‘WORKING HARD’ and ‘WORKING SMART’. Strictly following some of these study strategies will make a difference and create definite steps would have been taken towards becoming a successful and super achieving student.

Culled from Super Study Skills for Super-Achieving Students by Yejide Akiode


Wishing all those who have started and those starting exams this week all the very best!


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