My Money & Me
Financial Literacy Month is recognized every April to raise awareness of financial literacy and the importance of good money management habits.
On the 25th of May, we had a great time with about 40 kids to learn about money and discuss some money habits supporting their learning with summary sheets and a fun quiz at the end!
They watched a couple of videos to explain how to MAKE, MANAGE and MULTIPLY Money. They also learned about Smart Budgeting.
Amongst the many things that were learnt, the key takeaways were:
1. You can make money
- House chores
- Mini Businesses - Consider the subjects
you love, skills you have and something you/your parents own.
- Working in Parents Company (At 13 years)
2. You can manage money
using the 3 Jar method of SAVE, SPEND & SHARE with the bulk reserved for
3. You can multiply money by
saving in the Junior ISA (3.20%), learning a new skill and reinvesting your
small business profits.
As usual, we played our popular Kahoot and had a winner who won our book 'Kids can entrepreneur too!'
And our Kahoot Winner is...
Join us for our next session which would be our Summer Online camp!
More information will be shared soon.
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